About Ragdolls
What is a Ragdoll Cat?
The Ragdoll has a bunny soft, semi-longhair coat which does not require extensive grooming. Ragdolls are carefully bred to produce healthy, uber-affectionate, large, loving animals.
Ragdoll kittens are born white, acquiring their coloring and coat pattern as they age. Full color development may not be evident until 2-3 years of age.

History of the Ragdoll
The Ragdoll is a breed whose origins are surrounded by controversy and tall tales. They are a relatively new breed started in the 1960’s. Ragdolls are known for their large size, loving and affectionate temperament, long non-matting coats, serene dispositions, striking appearance, blue eyes, and the tendency to relax in a person’s arms like a rag doll (hence the name). Ragdolls are perfect for people who thought (as we did) that only a dog could love them back so completely. Ann Baker’s client entrance attached to her home with her cattery name. The Ragdoll breed was first created by a woman breeding black Persians and Apple headed lilac Balinese cats named Ann Baker in Riverside, California in the 1960’s. Her cattery was named ‘Raggedy Ann’. The story of the mother of all Ragdolls is a mystical one that includes both the famous first cat, ‘Josephine’ and her breeders, Ann Baker. The true story proves that fact is stranger than fiction. According to various stories, the foundation cat, Josephine, produced unremarkable kittens until she was struck by a car in the early 1960s. After her recovery, all of her subsequent litters produced kittens that displayed characteristics that are today referred to as Ragdoll traits. The more detailed story is that ‘Josephine’ just happened to live next door to Ann Baker. The neighbors who claimed ownership of Josephine were the Pennel’s. Ann Baker and other neighbors noticed that Josephine’s litters of kittens ‘changed’ after she survived the almost fatal car accident, which required time in a hospital and which left her missing an eye. Josephine was rescued by an employee of the vet hospital after finding her wounded by the side of the street. Josie was nursed back to health by the vet hospital employee’s at the facility she recuperated in. For some reason the cat was returned to the Pennel’s, and Ms. Baker decided she had to have some of the subsequent kittens from ‘Josie’. At first, Ms. Baker kept two males from two different feral tom sires, even though these boys did not have a pedigreed past. Supposed picture of Josephine with some of the kittens used later, possibly her male ‘Blackie’. After the car accident Josephine had mated on her own with a feral black and white mitted long-haired tom and produced a solid black male kitten that Ann Baker kept as a stud named “Blackie”. Another unplanned litter by Josephine followed, sired by a solid brown long-haired tom. This tryst produced a seal mitted male named “Daddy Warbucks”. What Ann clearly states is that “Blackie” and “Daddy Warbucks” are both sons of Josephine, but with different sires who were unknown and undocumented. Ann Baker created her own registry for Ragdolls in 1971 called the International Ragdoll Cat Association (IRCA). In the IRCA booklet it would appear to indicate that Blackie’s father was a black cat from the East, that appeared more Persian than Burmese. During detailed questioning, Ann confirmed that no-one had ever seen the father of Daddy Warbucks, and he was the only kitten in that particular litter of Josephine’s. This being so, makes it difficult to take the origins of the breed further. Ann Baker in her later years with one of her Ragdolls. Many write-ups of the history of Ragdolls incorrectly state that Daddy Warbucks was of Birman descent. He did have front mittens similar to Birman cats. However, while Daddy Warbucks may have looked Birman, he certainly wasn’t a Birman. The Ragdoll’s white spotting gene is definitely not the same as in the Birman breed. This has also been confirmed by TICA’s genetics committee chairperson, Dr. Solveig Pflueger, M.D., Ph.D Known picture of Daddy Warbucks, a seal mitted with blaze. Even though ‘Blackie’ and “Daddy Warbucks” were Josephine’s sons, Ann Baker bred them back to Josephine, and then bred daughter’s from those matings back to their fathers. This is referred as in-line breeding, and some Ragdoll breeders have relied on it. This type of inbreeding can result in healthy offspring, but some genetic abnormalities are usually produced. Ann Baker documented that she believed seven generation of females needed to be bred back to their original sire’s. Ann Baker kept control of the Ragdoll breed by making it into a franchise operation, where she was paid a royalty fee for all kittens that were sold, and she was also paid for the cats she had sold as breeders. Here is a picture of the two family tree’s that Ann Baker started.

Ragdoll Cats are a POINTED BREED
What does “Pointed” mean?
All Ragdoll cats must be pointed cats with blue eyes to be acknowledged for championship competition. (Note: Rules in the associations change over time, and these rules may change.)
The TWO Breeding Programs of Ann Baker
What is a Ragdoll Cat?

How the Ragdoll gained Notoriety
The Ragdoll Colors

The Ragdoll Patterns
Dark feet and color visible everywhere on the cat, one solid (point) color without recognizable stripes, spots, ticking, white, or silvering (Currently AngelGirls does not have Solid Ragdolls)
A Little about Lilac and Chocolate Ragdolls in the Ragdoll History
Due to breeders not completely understanding color and genetics, the colors of chocolate and lilac were all but lost in breeding. There were some breeders that did like them and continued breeding them, but most breeders ignored them and sold them as pets. Breeders that would have lilacs and chocolates probably thought their colors were just ‘poor’ blues and seals, or that the colors were sub-par. Some breeders, like AngelGirls, try to find the last remaining lilacs in the gene pool from 100% traditional lines, but that is close to impossible in most cases. There are other breeders, like Gerda Stapel from Australia, that started an officially licensed chocolate and lilac outcross program. Her cats were given the call names of “Dancingmist” and “Icedolls”. It is hard for us to find great fault in Ms. Stapels program, since Ragdolls are from a mixed breed originally, and because breeders like Ms. Stapels held to a rigorous breeding back program, if documents are to be believed. However, Ragdoll breeders are an opinionated bunch, and there are breeders on both sides of the fence on whether they think out-crosses should EVER be used for Ragdolls anymore. It also needs to be mentioned that if it were not for out-crossing, there would be no lynx Ragdolls, and no red or tortie Ragdolls. There are a handful of other Ragdoll breeders, starting in the USA and Australia, who started to out-cross to other breeds like the Birman, the Himalayan or the Balinese in the mid 1990’s to bring in (or to re-introduce) the chocolate gene (and it’s partner, lilac). There were other breeders who out-crossed for Lynx and Red. In the cat associations, usually a cat that is NOT a ragdoll has to breed through three generations before the kitten is considered a full-bred Ragdoll with SBT title. We have found that many of these ‘Ragdolls’ are a very sad imitation. They often don’t have the right fur, or look, or ear set, or personality, and many have acquired some of the health problems of their ancestor’s secondary breed. Sometimes this is merely due to the breeders needing to perfect their health, temperment, and ‘look’. Other times, the experiment doesn’t work. However, it is a definite fact that the Ragdoll is a unique, man-made, American breed. It is not as long in the making as the Turkish Van, the Maine Coon, or the Birman, and it most certainly has Balinese and Persian in it’s original foundation. However, here at AngelGirls, we strive to perfect the lilac and chocolate Ragdoll type, and the type just gets better from generation to generation. At first our mission was to perfect the lilac and chocolate ragdoll. Eventually we grew to want to include perfecting the lynx, tortie, mink, sepia and white Ragdoll. We still do not work with solids, Ragamuffins, cinnamons, fawns, silvers, or any non blue-eyed Ragdolls. We can happily claim the first International Grand Champion Lilac Ragdoll. Many breeders specializing in “chocolate” and “lilac” Ragdolls even today are in fact breeders choosing poorly colored seals and blues. We have bought a few of those! This is all before color testing, of course. Unfortunately, often incorrect pedigrees are never corrected. We prefer to breed our own cats, but when we do buy a new baby from other breeders, we always get a DNA color test and an HCM test before we agree to bring them on board.