Ragdoll Daddies
Prince Charming
(Click on Father’s Picture above to See His FlickR Page!)
We kept a few kittens from Prince Charming, and then we let Cecilia (who wanted to not only love him, but take him to shows) enjoy his wonderfulness!
He is the father of our Prince Valiant and several of our girls. We are thrilled he is passing on these amazing genes here at AngelGirls.
Prince Charming

AngelGirl’s Prince Charming is our pride and joy. He became a Champion in one day, and a Supreme Grand Champion in just two shows. He became the #1 Show Season Top Winning Ragdoll in CFA for 2014 and 2013.
He is the CFA Grand Champion and overall CFA Breed Winner for Ragdolls in 2014. He did all of that in only two shows!
Dam: Ridgecreek Chloe Rose of AngelGirls
Sire: Rags2riches Loki of TruBlueDolls
Pounce de Leon

Pounce is a Quadruple Grand Champion and a Supreme Grand Champion. He is also a BW: National Best of Breed Winner, and RW: Regional Winner. and an NW: A National Winner.
NW is an award given to cats that earn enough points during a show year to be ranked among the highest scoring cats in the entire association for that year. CFA gives national awards to the top 25 cats in Championship each year.
Tests: Negative for FeLV, FIV, heart murmurs, and echocardiogram performed by Dr. Wallach in CA. – 06/01/08.
Blood Type: Not Determined
Color/Pattern: Seal Bicolor (BbDD)
High Mitted (S2S2)
Dam: Champion Rockabillyrags Maryann
Sire: Double Grand Champion Rockcreek Justin of Echoglen
(Click on Father’s Picture above to See His FlickR Page!)
We are honored that Laura from Echoglen allowed us to bring their Quadruple Grand Champion into our home. Pounce, as we started calling him, has turned out to be the sweetest boy in the world. We are happily surprised to find out that he doesn’t spray! He is a sweet, perfect gentleman. He is kind and loving with everyone, whether they are male cats, females, dogs, people, children, even our pet parakeets!
He loves to find a spot in the sun and curl up on his back. If he can be stroked and cuddled, his wonderful purr machine starts right up. After we had been loving on him for awhile, we found out Laura actually called him Leon. We felt bad we were calling him by a different name, but after a LONG talk with him and the family, he gave his consent for us to continue calling him ; Pounce. : )
This Boy is AMAZING… I can’t thank Laura enough! And we have kept his son, Brad Pitt, as well as several of his daughters. They now produce outstanding show quality kittens, just like him!
Brad Pitt
(Click on Father’s Picture above to See His FlickR Page!)
This stunning boy is a complete sweetheart. He will capture your heart with his deep blue eyes. You will be hard pressed to find a more charismatic kitten! He is dressed for any black tie even in a bold black and white striped coat. Brad loves to strike a pose and put his remarkable good looks on display. He doesn’t let it go to his head however, he is incredibly affectionate and adores everyone.
Brad Pitt

Tests: Negative for FeLV, FIV, heart murmurs, Ragdoll HCM, Maine Coon HCM, PKD, & MPS VI.
Blood SeroType: A or AB; carrier of the AB factor
Color/Pattern: Seal Bicolor (BbDd)
Bicolor (s2s2), Rag n 03
Sire: Quadruple Grand Champion Echoglens Pounce DeLeon of Angelgirl
Dam: Angelgirls Cecelia
Big Mak Daddy

A rare Lilac MINK Mitted Ragdoll Boy
Tests: Negative for FeLV, FIV, heart murmurs, Ragdoll HCM, Maine Coon HCM, PKD, & MPS VI.
Blood SeroType: A or AB; carrier of the AB factor
Color/Pattern: Lilac (bbdd) Mitted (s2 s)
MINK (cbcs) , Rag c 04 32
Sire: Sentimental Max of Prideragdolls
Dam: Babydollrags Apple of Prideragdolls
(Click on Father’s Picture above to See His FlickR Page!)
We are SUPER excited to have this RARE LILAC MINK Mitted Boy in our home, and what gorgeous, stunning babies he makes! He has a beautiful full face and a big stocky body. He loves people and he is already a big hit with the ladies! His thick coat is like touching the softest cloud! Thanks again to Melissa from RockStar Ragdolls, who has some of the best Mink Ragdolls around!
Clark Kent
(Click on Father’s Picture above to See His FlickR Page!)
This kitten is absolutely picture purr-fect! Clark features a darling teddy bear face and sweet, classic deep blue eyes… I mean DEEP OCEAN BLUE! Clark is a true work of art, carefully crafted by the angels in heaven. He reminds us of our favorite childhood teddy bear, extra soft and extremely cuddly. His perfect rounded ears play peek-a-boo from behind his feather-like tufts of fur that jet out in all directions, like a lion!
Clark Kent

Our new Seal Bicolor Boy is from outstanding, award-winning lines! He has Supreme Grand Champions on both his mom and his dad’s side! I just can’t wait to see his gorgeous kittens! My superman is a huge and crazy fluffy boy with most laid back personality we have EVER seen in a Boy!
Tests: Negative for FeLV, FIV, heart murmurs,
Ragdoll HCM, Maine Coon HCM, PKD, & MPS VI.
Blood SeroType: A or Type AB
Color/Pattern: Seal (BBDd) carrying Blue
Bicolor (s2 s2), Rag N 03
Sire: Catlana Georgio Armani Jr.
Dam: Darlinlildols Pandora Lucky Charm
(Click on Father’s Picture above to See His FlickR Page!)
This kitten is absolutely picture purr-fect! Clark features a darling teddy bear face and sweet, classic deep blue eyes… I mean DEEP OCEAN BLUE! Clark is a true work of art, carefully crafted by the angels in heaven. He reminds us of our favorite childhood teddy bear, extra soft and extremely cuddly. His perfect rounded ears play peek-a-boo from behind his feather-like tufts of fur that jet out in all directions, like a lion!

For the first time ever in the history of our kitten nursery, we were extremely tempted to keep back an entire litter of kittens! Introducing the crowing glory of that litter, Jack! This angelic kitten features a supreme facial structure that is out of this world adorable. With pouty tear-drop shaped eyes that remind us of precious gemstones and a luxury coat that feels like a silky mink coat that minics a cloud. This little prince is everything we could dream of and more! He is as majestic as any any of the 7 wonders of the world! Those precious moments eyes lure you in and make our hearts skip a few beats. Jumping Jack as our girls call him, will take your breath away with his enchanting disposition. He never hesitates to treat you to a lovely melody of purrs and cooes as he nudges against everyone with his soft fluffy body. When he comes prancing into the room, its seems everyone, our other cats and kittens included, stop and admire his opulence. His coat looks as though a fairy came to sprinkle him in the most translucent silver and light chocolate drizzle she could find! As an adult this handsome boy still has shimmery white shining through his beautiful chocolate, lavish locks. A boy as picture perfect as Jack only makes their appearance once in a blue moon and we are so very proud to share him with the world. Who says dreams don’t come true? Jack is proof angels ARE among us and that even the most far away dreams really do come true!
Tests: Negative for FeLV, FIV, heart murmurs,
Ragdoll HCM, Maine Coon HCM, PKD, & MPS VI.
Blood SeroType: A or Type AB
Sire: Catlana Georgio Armani Jr.
Dam: Darlinlildols Pandora Lucky Ch
(Click on Father’s Picture above to See His FlickR Page!)
Nik is our newest Seal MINK Colorpoint daddy! His lines come all the way from Russia! We wanted to infuse our bloodlines with the very best blue eyes to go with those silky, fluffy, mink coats! And he has the most luxurious mink coat that we love to run our hands through! He is true feline royalty!
Nikolai Romanoff is a sweet and loving boy who has just started to show interest in our Ragdoll girls. He is super friendly, and loves to play fetch and snuggle. You have no idea how smart these cats are until you have one that wants to play fetch with you! Nik loves nothing more than to chase fluffy mice and soft toys he can carry in his mouth and drop at our feet. We love that his intelligent and playful personality will pass on to his offspring.
Nikolai Romanoff

Our new Seal MINK Colorpoint Boy is from outstanding, award-winning lines!
Tests: Negative for FeLV, FIV, heart murmurs,
Ragdoll HCM, Maine Coon HCM, PKD, & MPS VI.
Blood SeroType: A or Type AB
Color/Pattern: Seal (Bb1Dd) carrying blue and chocolate (as well as Cinnamon) MINK (cb/cs) Colorpoint (ss) RAG N
Sire: Elvivssdoll Hamer
Dam: Rockstardolls Lola Love

Legend is a Blue Lynx Bicolor carrying Lilac.
Tests: Negative for FeLV, FIV, heart murmurs, and echocardiogram performed
Blood Type: Not Determined
Color/Pattern: Blue Lynx Bicolor
High Mitted (S2S2)
Dam: Fuzzybunz Wild Child
Sire: Fairytaleragdol Pick A Side